It's not about me,
It's about the story.

Voice Over Artist
"Mr. Mundy's Linus shines."
-The New York Times
But since you're here:
I am a NY local hire...
although, here is just a little about me that's NOT resume related- in case we haven't met, yet.
I am an unabashed nerd of the literature of Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. I may not be on Stephen Colbert's level of expertise, but I try. Speaking of, that man is a hero of mine... Stephen, if you're reading this: hey!
World history, and how it informs our stories today (especially through a geo- and cultural- political lens) really gets me going. Learning it, as well as teaching it. Teaching in general is a ton of fun. I'm a high-energy external processor, but there is something about teaching (specifically teaching storytelling)- experiencing others learn and hone skills- that slows me down and makes me enjoy the long-patience of the process. Their success is rewarding as a sharing of the joy.
Also, I love the horror film genre. Not for the gore factor per se, although that can be fun, but really for it's story expectation-bending potential (think GET OUT and THE DESCENT). Personally, whenever I rewatch JAWS, I feel sorry for the shark. She was just protective and hungry. Granted, she knew where the best buffets were.
Tom Cruise. So apparently we are the same REAL height. Crazy. And we both do our own stunts. Even crazier.
I grew up in GA, so I will always have an affinity for milkshake-thick sweet tea and honey-glazed, stick-o-butter biscuits. But as a New Yorker, it's pretty hard to beat a fresh, hot (not toasted-that's tragic) Everything Bagel and Lox.
I'm a football guy. I've been following the sad failures of my beloved bulldawgs and falcons since I was too short to ride the tea-cups at Disney World. With that in mind, I go back to film: SLEEPING BEAUTY might be my favorite classic (Silver Age) Disney film.
Thank you for your interest in all this, by the way. I suppose finally, I'll refer back to Lewis. This has resonated with me from the moment I read it: "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival."